
Rotary organizes seminar on Cyber crime

Amritsar// 10 September 2009
Rotary Club Amritsar Main and Rotary Club Amritsar Civil Lines jointly organized a seminar on Cyber Crime-its spread and implications. This seminar was addressed by Kunwar Vijay Partap Singh, IPS, Senior Superintendent of Police, Amritsar. He had recently undergone a specialized training on Cyber Crime at National Police Academy Hyderabad. He made an excellent power point presentation on the topic.
`The meeting which was largely attended by Rotarians, members of Tea Industry, Hotel Industry and press were explained at length how one is vulnerable when one does not take adequate precautions on the web specially dealing with unsolicited mail and even responding to unsolicited SMS on one’s mobile. He explained how all the major terrorist acts have used the power of the internet and telecommunications to perpetuate the heinous crimes.
The gathering was educated on how to use security measures for internet banking-mail handling and means to protect their confidential financial records and pass words. The session was followed by free and interactive session where SSP fielded questions as diverse as Traffic management to snatchings and property disputes. The audience was greatly impressed with the detailed knowledge of the District Police Chief of each problem which he freely shared and explained to the public.
He shared the newly developed website-www.amritsarpolice.com and demonstrated online its various features. Along with the newly opened community police resource centre was discussed and members were explained the single window options available to the public whether it is for passport or any other police verification, family counselling, foreigners or missing report etc. Needless to say it was an impressive meeting where the audience gave a standing ovation to the district police chief and thanked him for the hard and sincere efforts being put by him.

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