
Community Oriented Policing in Amritsar

C= Community
O= Oriented
P= Policing

COP stands for Community Oriented Policing

[Respect for Law abiding citizens and strict action against law breakers]

In its endeavor to bridge the gap between Police and Public, Amritsar Police has launched Community Oriented Policing to provide better services to the common people. In order to streamline the grievance redressal system, PROs (Public Relations Officers) have been posted in each Police Station headed by women police officers. The PROs are working as Community Police Officers. People coming to the Police Station can lodge their grievances with the PRO. The system has received very good response from the common public. Basically, this has wiped out British model of Munshi system and Daroga system from the policing at the root level.

Telephone connectivity in Police Stations have been restored which had been lying defunct for year. Synchronization of public calls has been carried out in the Police Control Room and the effective call response mechanism has been put in place. Accessibility to Police Control Room from Mobile Numbers of BSNL and Spice has been put in place. Additional Numbers have been made available for the Police Control Room for the subscribers of other telephone and mobile providers. All these efforts have brought in tremendous response from the general public and more and more calls are being attended to resolve the complaints and lodging of FIRs where required.

To enable the general public to have a direct access to the District Police Chief, Complaint Boxes have been put up at 30 important locations, where in any one is free to lodge the complaint or provide information to the SSP, Amritsar. The boxes are opened under the personal supervision of the SSP and are thoroughly scrutinized and necessary action is taken as per the requirements. This effort has bolstered the public confidence and direct access has enabled them in mitigating their sufferings.

Amritsar Police has also taken a lead in registering FIRs on telephone and through E-Mails. Complaints may be lodged by sending particulars at the policehelp100@gmail.com. The facility extended has brought many instances, where in the complainants who hesitate to visit Police Stations in person have lodged their complaints directly and cases are being registered after verification the contents.

Introduction of Mobile Vans, Motor Cycles for round the clock surveillance has been given a big thrust under the banner “CRIME STOPPERS”, which have been deployed at strategic points and sensitive locations. The graph of incidents of chain snatching, eve teasing etc. has shown a remarkable drop after the system has been put in place.

In addition to all these efforts, public is free to call personally the SSP, Amritsar on his personal cell number in case of an emergency.

All these efforts have brought the public closer to the Police and they have started growing a feeling of confidence and it has led to social security at large. Free Communication is a big boon to effective policing. Police in the service of Public is the mantra of Amritsar Police.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The traffic police needs to conduct surprise checks at various crossings to check:-
1.Drivers have valid driving license.
2.People are wearing seat belts.
3.Mobile usage while driving.
4.Jumping red light
5.Use of un-necessary horn.
6.People stopping vehicles on the zebra crossing.
7.Challans to everyone for wrong parking
Penalize people on the spot so that discipline can be instilled.