Amritsar Police in a campaign against drug trafficking launched a multi-pronged strategy and succeeded to control this menace to a considerable extent. A number of awareness camps and rallies were organized in the holy city under the guidance of District Police in various schools, colleges and especially in the localities like Anngarh, Maqboolpura, Gawal Mandi, Islamabad, Sultanwind Road and Hindustani basti where this problem was at an alarming stage. Under Demand reduction strategy youths were sensitized about the ill-effects of drugs and methods to get rid of it through one act plays and skits. Various NGOs and social institutions like Rotary club, Lions club including religious institutions were associated with this campaign.
The police launched a crusade against drug traffickers to cut the supply line. In this campaign notorious drug smugglers were arrested and brought to book in 2008. Under the guidance and supervision of Kunwar Vijay Pratap Singh, the District Police Chief, a huge quantity of narcotic drugs were recovered which include more than 50 kg of Heroine, 20 kg of Opium, 5 kg Charas and 5 kg Smack besides Cocaine and Poppy husk.
The police went ahead to forfeit/ seize the properties of the traffickers under various provisions of NDPS Act. More than 36 cases of forfeiture were forwarded to the Competent Authority, Government of India by the District Police. A workshop was also organized in collaboration with the Competent Authority in Amritsar in 2008.
Besides this, a series of raids were conducted in collaboration with the authorities of Health Department against medicine shops selling illegal and prohibited drugs.